Pascal Nüesch
Chief Technology Officer & Partner
I am passionate about eCommerce, as it combines many disciplines and involves interactions with numerous peripheral systems to ensure that processes function smoothly across the business. The interdisciplinary collaboration with different expertise, whether with the customer, another service provider or within our project team, creates a dynamic and exciting atmosphere. My more than 20 years of experience in software development for medium-sized and large companies, in the national as well as international environment, have already brought a number of challenges. It is always a great motivation for me to design the best possible and yet most pragmatic solution for the customer and subsequently also to implement it. In today's age of cloud platforms, the possibilities for this have become much more diverse and flexible.
Already in the past as a J&S leader I liked to be outdoors in nature and till today you will find me with my family at the fireplace, carving or building a moss house in the forest.
Focal Points