Kantonsspital St.Gallen - WTO Tender Website

KSSG. Successful tender and evaluation of a CMS and implementation partner.
Based on the diselva Eval approach

KSSG. Successful tender and evaluation of a CMS and implementation partner.
Based on the diselva Eval approach

Daniel Steimer
Leiter Marketing & Kommunikation KSSGChallenge
The canton of St.Gallen is pursuing a merger of the four hospital associations. As part of this initiative, the existing websites will be adapted to the new corporate form and combined into a unified presence. The foundation for this new website will be a future-proof, scalable content management system (CMS). In addition, an efficient partner was sought for the implementation of the new website.
To address the task in a structured manner, diselva utilized its proven evaluation procedure. Stakeholder requirements were collected in workshops, validated, checked for content and technical feasibility, and summarized in a target image. Based on this, diselva was able to formulate a WTO invitation to tender following an internal KSSG review and receive responses from potential implementation partners. The partner, including the technical approach, was selected based on the evaluation of the bids. Throughout the entire tender process, diselva provided support and advice to the KSSG.
Despite the compressed timeline for the tender and the selection of the implementation partner, it was possible to determine the partner in a timely manner and on the basis of the formulated tender. This allowed for the implementation project to commence as soon as possible with a capable partner.
The collaboration with diselva was conducted on an equal footing and was marked by mutual trust. diselva had the appropriate profile (in particular, software architect and consultant) available for each phase of the tender, enabling them to provide the most optimal advice based on their extensive experience with CMS systems, projects, and tenders.