Sika - Project Lead and Project Management

SIKA. Successful project support. Replacement of internal applications
On time and on budget

SIKA. Successful project support. Replacement of internal applications
On time and on budget

Stefan Obst
Team Head CRM & ApplicationsChallenges
Sika, a global leader in specialty chemicals, was faced with the challenge of replacing two outdated internal applications. With limited internal resources, Sika turned to diselva for professional project management support.
In order to significantly influence the success of the project, diselva took over the complete specification of all functionalities of the applications to be replaced. Detailed reporting for internal and external project steering was introduced, accompanied by comprehensive project documentation on planning, decisions, risks and the current project status. The active involvement of end users and other stakeholders in the development process increased the acceptance of the new solution.
Internal applications were replaced on time and on budget. All relevant documents were stored transparently for all project participants and were regularly discussed and maintained. In typical project situations where intervention was required, diselva acted in an active and advisory capacity, communicating problems to internal and external management and proposing solution-oriented alternatives - an approach that was appreciated by both the service provider and Sika.
Throughout the course of the project, Chelsea Alther and Michael Schlegel-Iten served as alternate project managers to ensure the continuity of the project and program management.