Consulting and Sales application
Digital support of the personal contact
With a focus on B2B business, in addition to eCommerce (digital sale of simple products incl. shopping cart), there are also products that require intensive consulting, which can probably never be sold via eCommerce.
For example, a machine with an investment volume of CHF 1 million may also require digital support - but not in the form of a store, but in the form of the integration of consulting, quotation and ordering processes for customers.
These applications are often CRM-related and, depending on the requirements, cannot be taken "out of the box".
We would be happy to advise you on the interaction of eCommerce (which can also be useful in the case of machines for wear parts and accessories) and sales support - including the effects of digital support on your sales organization of field and office staff.
One thing seems clear even without citing major studies: the shift toward self-service with e.g. eCommerce is already underway and will increasingly intensify. Is a new generation getting in the lead at your customers who are now also demanding this? Or is your competition already one step ahead? Not addressing these digital issues is simply no longer an option today!
But personal consulting and sales are also central and will never go away in B2B - and this also needs smart digital support.
The secret lies in the right mix for you of "digital - as self-service" and "personal - digitally supported".
Custom Application
The question of "make or buy" has changed considerably in recent years. Unpleasant situations with lock-ins in legacy applications are still well remembered by most CTOs/CIOs/CDOs. Today, an existing or new standard solution should be used for the vast majority of requirements. Nevertheless, for every business there is that one point through which you can stand out from the competition. And at this point it is worth investing, if the financial leverage justifies it.
Custom applications to achieve a unique selling proposition require a different approach. The focus here is on "experience-driven instead of capability-driven". This must be taken into account early on in the project. In addition, custom applications must integrate well with the rest of the landscape. The surrounding systems are therefore decisive for the choice of technology and are increasingly shifting to the cloud.

Would you like to digitally support the sale of consultation-intensive products?
We help you to develop an application that does exactly that for your specific consulting and sales processes in a meaningful way.